1. Collect Information before starting the project

Collect Information Before starting the project Collecting information about your project and its audience is one of the most important things you can do before developing an app. It helps you understand what type of app it will be, who will use it, and how they will use it. The more detailed questions you ask yourself before starting a project, the easier it will be to complete it successfully.

2. Verify and accept Terms of Service & Permissions

Check the terms of service.Check the permissions.Do not accept the default settings.Make sure you know what you are granting access to, and what is being collected on your device.

3. Enable Google Play Protect on your device

Google Play Protect is a security service that protects your device from harmful apps and malware. It scans for potentially harmful apps on your phone, allowing you to take action if an app has been identified as malicious. Google Play Protect is built into every Android device with Google Play installed by default, so it’s always there to help keep your phone safe. You can check for updates about what kind of protection features are available through the settings menu on most devices (or just go ahead and update!).

4. Focus on Code Quality

Code quality is a critical aspect of any application. It’s important because it provides the foundation for all other security measures, and your app’s functionality depends on its code is secure. There are many factors you should consider when evaluating code quality:

Is the coding style consistent with industry standards? If not, how will users know what they’re supposed to do?Does the code follow best practices in terms of layout and names pacing (e.g., using Pascal case rather than camel Case)?Is there any obvious spelling or grammatical errors that could be exploited by hackers?

5. Use ProGuard to minimize the size of the app

ProGuard is a tool that shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates your code to reduce its size and make it harder to reverse engineer. ProGuard is an excellent tool for protecting your app from reverse engineering.

6. Use NDK for developing C/C++ in Android

NDK is a toolkit that allows developers to write C/C++ code that can be called from Java code. It supports many different platforms, including Android, iOS, and Linux. NDK is used for performance-intensive applications such as games and other applications that need to support OpenGL. NDK also enables you to write your app in C or C++ instead of Java. This allows you to use certain libraries (like Open AL) which aren’t available on all devices yet, but these libraries won’t work if you’re using an older version of Android such as KitKat or Jelly Bean (4).

7. Export with password protection

Password protection is a must. If your app can export data, make sure that you use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password that encrypts your data before it’s sent out. Use a strong password! And don’t forget to protect it with 2-factor authentication as well.

8. Encrypt your sensitive data properly

Encrypting your sensitive data is the best way to protect your app and its users from cyber-attacks. Encryption takes place when you use a strong encryption algorithm to encrypt the information. The strongest algorithms are those that use the right key size, length, type, and format. The following encryption algorithm will help you in protecting your Android application:

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with 256-bit key size;Blowfish with 448-bit key size;Serpent with 1024-bit key length;Twofish with 256-bit key length;

You can also use other algorithms like RSA or OAEP for even stronger protection against hackers who try to crack into your system through brute force attacks or dictionary attacks.

9. Securely manage SSL connections and HTTPS traffic

Use HTTPS everywhere.Use SSL pinning. The best way to protect your connections is to only allow secure ones, but this isn’t always practical or possible. If you don’t have the budget for an expensive SSL certificate, use insecure connections until you can afford one—just don’t use any content that requires encryption!Use certificate pinning with public key pinning (CSP). CSP allows you to associate a specific set of name/value pairs with a specific IP address or hostname on your network, which can help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks by ensuring that data sent over HTTP isn’t modified by those outside your network before reaching its destination server. This also means that if someone attempts to impersonate another person using their social media accounts (e.g., Facebook), they won’t be able to access those accounts without first obtaining both parties’ passwords (which would be easy enough).

10. Securely manage cloud and web services

Securely manage cloud and web services.Use HTTPS for all services.Use a Comodo Code Signing Certificate to secure your apps.

Android security is one of the main concerns for companies nowadays Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world, and it’s still not as secure as iOS. That’s why companies need to do their best to protect their apps from cyber-attacks. Android devices are being targeted by hackers more frequently than ever before, with some claiming that they’ve seen an increase of up to 5x over last year. This means that more people are using these devices, which means more opportunities for cybercriminals to steal data or attack your company directly! Apps on Android are also being targeted by hackers—and they’re getting better at it too!


Protecting your apps from cyber-attacks is important because it can lead to serious consequences for your business. In this article, we will discuss some of how you can protect yourself from these types of threats. We hope that by reading this article and implementing these strategies into your daily operations, you will be able to avoid problems like data breaches or loss of revenue caused by cyber-attacks on mobile devices!