To put things into perspective, this app has over 50 million downloads, according to the Play Store, and we all know how popular Steam is. This digital game distribution service has been operational since 2003, though it changes over the years, of course. It now has tons of daily users, and is a major hub for gamers. Steam’s desktop interface looked great for quite some time now, so it was about time for Valve to revamp the app as well.

The new Steam app has a library-style interface people are familiar with

The new Steam app has that library-style interface, which is familiar to people, and thus easy to navigate. The app allows you to apply filters when searching for titles, and games show up in rows of three. You can even install games remotely to your PC, or update the ones that are installed on it. This is not exactly a new feature, but it still works really well, and it looks different thanks to this redesign. Browsing the Steam store is a possibility, of course, and the same goes for buying new games. There’s a huge community here that you can interact with, and there are a ton of news articles available as well. Valve did a good job implementing new features and combining them with existing ones in this new layout. This design revamp didn’t only bring visual changes, though, of course. This was a huge update and it brought some other, notable changes. The QR code-based login system was also implemented. What does this mean? Well, you can use your phone to scan a QR code on Steam for PC to log in. This makes logging in really secure and somewhat seamless at the same time. The two-factor authentication codes on your phone are utilized, to keep everything really secure. The app did have its fair share of issues when the new design launched, but Valve patched up the major pain points. Users are still getting used to the new layout, but in the long run, this will likely benefit the platform.