Notably, according to a new report by Techdows, Google is spotted working on a new feature for its Chrome browser. This feature will show a confirmation warning dialog when you click on the close all tabs button on Google Chrome on Android. Google Chrome on Android has the option of “Close all tabs”, which kills all the active tabs altogether. If this button is used by will, then it is fine. However, if someone doing some research accidentally presses this button, he/she might lose all the data collected by in those tabs. To avoid this issue, Google has started testing the “Close all tabs modal dialog” flag. As you might have already guessed, this feature will be available as a flag and can be enabled by heading over to the chrome://flags page. The feature was spotted working on Google Chrome Canary 100. Enabling this flag would give you a warning popup that says you will lose your data if you confirm.

Reopening the Google Chrome browser will show you a single tab

After the dialogue appears, it will show you two buttons, i.e., Cancel or Confirm. When you press the Confirm button, it will close all the tabs you have opened. On the other hand, if you press Cancel or the back button or gesture on your phone, it will dismiss the warning. Reopening the Google Chrome browser will show you a single tab, usually the Google Search page or the New Tab page. This feature is really helpful, especially for people who work with several tabs open. It will prevent you from losing valuable research or content, you have discovered on those tabs. As of now, it is under testing, but there is hope that Google will include this feature in the stable version. If you wish to try this new Google Chrome tabs warning popup feature for yourself, then you need to install Google Chrome Canary from the Play Store. Do note that this feature isn’t available on other versions of Chrome. After you have installed the app, open the browser, and type in chrome://flags in the address bar. On the Flag page, search for “Close all tabs modal dialog”. Simply select “Enabled” from the drop-down menu. Finally, restart your browser, and you will see this new feature in action.