Many brands that promote their businesses on Instagram rely on companies that increase their number of followers by tweaking Instagram’s algorithms. It’s nothing illegal and many new businesses are already opting for this services because they work for the company’s short-term success. Once you achieve short-term success, you can work on it to improve your company’s long-term plans.

Achieving more followers and likes

Social media engineers focus on four factors to influence your presence on Instagram:

Information you provide on your posts – Do you tend to upload more photos than videos, or vice versa? What are the average likes and comments that your posts get? Social engineers can use these two essential things to develop a tailor-made strategy for you.Your profile’s activity – Do you follow other pages or people from your brand’s Instagram profile? Then, it becomes more accessible for the engineers to use that information to increase your brand’s reach.Your interaction history – Your communication with your followers also plays a crucial role in determining how fast the engineers can improve the number of followers on your profile. They will check whether you usually reply to your followers’ comments or go for Q&A sessions.Poster information – Poster information means whether you find the posts from other profiles exciting or not. In addition, whether you react to those posts or ignore them is considered when formulating a strategy.

The engineers will monitor your profile and acquire the above information. They will calculate your profile’s score of interest, meaning how likely you are to interact with your followers, and accordingly, will display your posts on your followers’ feeds. The more posts you upload, the more they will appear on your followers’ feeds. The more often your followers see your posts, the more interested they will follow your profile.

Five crucial interactions

In addition to the four factors above, the engineers also consider five interaction points to boost your Instagram presence:

Likes – The average number of likes your posts getTime spent – The average time your followers spend on your postsSaves – How likely are your followers to save your postsComments – The average number of words your posts receiveTaps on profile – How likely are your target audience to tap on your profile after seeing one of your posts

Increasing the number of followers on Instagram is a lot about your profile analytics. InstaSwift, a company that increases your Instagram profile’s likes and followers, ensure that the followers you get stay with you for an extended period. That is why its success rate is so high. Thousands of users have already benefited from InstaSwift’s one-of-a-kind service. However, rather than simply buying followers and likes, it’s time to invest in a more comprehensive and future-proof strategy to fuel your Instagram growth.