Fortunately, that’s exactly the process this guide is intended to address. So let’s get started.

Why would you want to move Chrome OS to an older version on your Chromebook?

The most common reason for wanting to learn how to revert to an older version of Chrome OS on your Chromebook is likely going to be bugs. While Chrome OS is arguably the most stable operating system for a laptop on the market, it isn’t always flawless. On more than one occassion, an update pushed by Google has resulted in serious problems. Whether for security or stability. Moving to an older version of Chrome OS can fix that. It can also address issues with UI and functionality changes, at least temporarily. For instance, Google sometimes changes interface elements or keyboard shortcuts. And, in those cases, it can be easier to switch to an older version of Chrome OS than to learn how to use it again. At the very least, some users likely feel that way and want to hold out switching for as long as possible. Which isn’t always easy to do with automatic updates as they are in Chrome OS. Of course, there are also any number of other reasons a user might want to switch back as well. Such as when an older version better supported Enterprise software.

Going back is easy but not necessarily painless

Now, it is worth noting at this point that going back to an older version of Chrome OS on your Chromebook can be useful but it does require a Powerwash. For those who aren’t already aware, a Powerwash is almost exactly what it sounds like. Namely, it completely removes user files from the Chromebook, effectively resetting it. And that is required to revert to an older version. So it’s going to be a good idea to spend some time backing up important personal files before getting started. Or, at the very least, everything that’s not uploaded to the cloud. Having said that, the process itself is easy, requiring only a few steps. And, once complete, your Chromebook should run like new — albeit on an older version of Chrome OS.

Moving to an older version isn’t always the best fix for Chrome OS

Because of the limitations of going backward in terms of the Chrome OS version on your Chromebook, as noted already, there are benefits to going to an older version. But that doesn’t mean it should be the first option. In fact, it should only be a secondary option after a more standard Powerwash. There have been a few instances where Google has messed things up with an update unwittingly. The update to Chrome OS 91 contained a number of issues, for instance, when it initially launched this year. But, more often than not, the underlying problem you might be encountering is less to do with Chrome OS. And more to do with an issue with the individual Chromebook. And in those cases, unless there’s a hardware issue, can often be solved with a simple Powerwash. Moreover, if you wait too long to go back, you may not get the version of Chrome OS that you want. This does, after all, only allow you to go backwards by a single update. It isn’t going to necessarily take you all the way back to the original installed version.

You’ll also need to actively avoid updating at this point

Finally, and most importantly, reverting to the previously installed version isn’t going to stop the Chromebook from updating Chrome OS. That’s either on its own during a restart or via a click — accidental or otherwise — on any update prompts that may appear on-screen. For example, the prompts that appear in the lower-right-hand side of the UI. Restarting the Chromebook while an update is ready will automatically install the update. And that includes a restart caused by running out of battery. So you’ll need to make sure that you charge up your Chromebook before it dies and do not turn the Chromebook off until a fix for your issue has been rolled out. Otherwise, it will install the next version of the OS and, subsequently, whatever issue it was that you were looking to avoid by reverting.

Be aware that there could also be other issues with reverting

Last but not least, it’s important to discuss some of the potential privacy and security ramifications of reverting. While the switch may clear up some bugs found in a new update, it does revert security patches as well. That means that any potentially dangerous bugs found in the prior version will again be a threat. As such, moving to an older version of Chrome OS on your Chromebook should be a last resort under most circumstances. Or, conversely, it should not be done without consideration for the potential risks it poses. Particularly since the OS is presently the fastest growing, as of this writing. Rapid growth tends to lead to more widespread efforts to exploit any operating system. Which, in turn, means that Chrome OS is potentially the most likely to be exploited right now for those that don’t have the latest patches. That has, in recent news, included severe zero-day exploits, for instance. It’s also worth noting that, typically, when there are issues with an update, Google has gotten those patched fairly quickly. As a result of the risks, in combination with Google’s response times, reverting may not be the best option. It is often better to wait on a fix or update before reverting to an older version of the OS.

How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 9How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 82How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 55How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 26How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 39How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 84How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 34How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 38How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 76How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 14How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 35How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 3How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 28How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 5How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 68How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 22How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 24How To Take Your Chromebook Back To An Older Chrome OS Version - 56