The resemblance to Twitter’s Tweets is evident here. This makes sense: Twitter allows you to post short and sweet thoughts to the platform. These are all encapsulated within 280 characters.

Now, Instagram Notes seems to be going after that same appeal

This news comes to us from Social Media Today. Now, Instagram seems to be testing a feature that will allow the users to make and post short text-based updates for other users to see. They’ll be notably short, as you’ll only have up to 60 characters to get your thought across. That’s about 79% shorter than a standard 280-character tweet. You’ll need to be really frugal with your Notes. The Notes themselves won’t be displayed on your Instagram feed. Instead, you’ll see them when you look at your inbox. There will be a carousel of the Notes on the top of your inbox. The carousel will be positioned right under your search bar. Each Note will sit in a rounded square and have the user’s profile picture in the top left corner. You’ll also be able to see how long ago the post was made. If the carousel spills off of the screen, you’ll see a caret with the number of off-screen Notes next to it.

Instagram is also testing showing ads on users profiles

Ads are like water seeping into just about every nook and cranny of our lives. This next test from Instagram supports that thought, as the platform is testing displaying ads on user profiles. A leaked screenshot shows the settings on a user’s profile, and we see a new addition. It’s a toggle that will let people display ads on their profile. We don’t know how the ads will look on the profiles, but we hope that they’re not too intrusive. This is just in testing, so we don’t know if this will actually happen. If it does, then (and this just might be cynicism) we expect Instagram to enable this feature by default since it gives you the choice to toggle it.