Telegram users should be happy, as the messaging platform just added several features to the app last month. This update included a revamped dark mode, some new login options, and additions to the download manager. They were some neat additions, and it looks like Telegram wanted to top itself.

Telegram did top itself by adding in custom notification sounds

If you’re tired of the same old Telegram alert sounds, then this update will definitely please you. There are several additions with this update, but the main one is the ability for Telegram users to make their own custom notification alerts. When you go to your notification settings in a chat, you’ll see a new “Upload sound” button under the Telegram Tones section. When you do that, you’ll be able to choose an audio file from your phone to assign. There are a few things to note. Firstly, you actually have the ability to save sounds that people send in chat as a notification. Tap and hold down on the sent audio file and tap the “Save for notification option”. Then, you’ll be able to set that sound as an alert. Also, this isn’t for the default Telegram sound; it’s per conversation. This means that you can set one sound for one chat and a different sound for another. You can set certain sounds for more important conversations so you know which ones to focus on.

There are custom mute adjustments

You can mute conversations using Telegram, but you couldn’t really adjust how long you wanted to mute your conversations for. You could mute it for either eight hours or two days. That was pretty annoying. Now, you’ll have more control over how long you can mute your notifications for. You can have it set between one hour and several weeks. There’s a change with the auto-delete function. Firstly, you can access the feature directly from the profile. Also, there are more options for how long the content stays after it’s been seen. Rounding out the changes, the Telegram bots are going to be able to “replace any website” and you’ll be able to preview replies before you forward them. If you’re excited about these features, they’re rolling out for both iOS and Android. Be sure to check your respective app store to see if you have a new update.