Poor support for Galaxy foldables may drag Samsung to court

According to the new report, Polish people are reporting multiple issues with Samsung’s foldables. The most common problem is the protective film peeling off on its own. This isn’t the first time we are hearing that. There have been similar reports in the past as well. And in most cases, it doesn’t affect the screen or the display, despite Samsung explicitly warning users against removing it. Some people have found that removing the protective film makes the display crease less noticeable, though we don’t recommend doing that. Nevertheless, it’s not ideal if the film that Samsung says is part of the display assembly comes off on its own. Moreover, many customers state that the foldable screens started breaking within months of usage. It appears pixels are mostly damaged along the crease line first, though not limited to that. The company claims its foldable smartphones are good for 200,000 folds. That should mean a lifetime of well over three years even with 150 folds and unfolds every day, which the majority of customers may never reach. To make matter worse, Samsung’s customer service personnel aren’t willing to assist customers facing these kinds of problems. They often refuse to accept the complaints or repair damages within warranty. One customer had to threaten the company with social media posts and directly contact a Samsung spokesperson before their Galaxy foldable was repaired. Since many other customers are facing similar issues, they may all team up and drag Samsung to court over such poor support.

Samsung needs to provide better service to foldable customers

Samsung can be credited for single-handedly creating a market for foldable smartphones. While many other brands have entered the market in recent years, the Korean firm still makes the world’s best foldables. Unfortunately, the company’s customer support for foldables hasn’t been what these premium devices deserve. Not just in Poland, but in other regions too. And the firm may end up paying a hefty price for this unless it sets things right soon. We will let you know if the Polish customers proceed with the proposed class action lawsuit against Samsung.