Both the Apex 9 TKL and Apex 9 Mini come with hot swappable optical switches. SteelSeries claims these actuate 33% faster than the leading optical keyboard. And when it comes down to it, speed can make all the difference. The faster you’re able to initiate actions in games, the better your chances are at getting the drop on your opponents. Granted SteelSeries isn’t guaranteeing you’ll win all your matches from now on. It’s simply giving you better tools to get the job done. With that said, better tools will give you a better chance. And that seems to be the aim here.

New SteelSeries Apex 9 gaming keyboards have numerous customization features

RGB lighting, actuation points, you name it. The Apex 9 TKL and Apex 9 Mini let you customize your experience for a better-feeling game session. Using the SteelSeries GG software suite you can set the actuation points of each key so they feel perfect. And you can set custom profiles for each game so the experience is tailored. Because not every game plays and feels the same in terms of actions. Actuation customization also happens on a per-key basis. So each individual key can be set up with “more performance-driven or deeper, more deliberate actuation.” SteelSeries also lets you swap the switches out between three different options. Tactile, clicky, or linear. The Apex 9 TKL retails for $139.99 and the Apex 9 Mini retails for $129.99. SteelSeries Apex 9 TKL SteelSeries Apex 9 Mini

SteelSeries Apex 9 Keyboards Are Designed To Help You Win More - 93