In recent months, TikTok has come under fire from US officials over how it handles US users’ data. First, the TikTok parent company ByteDance was accused of sending US users’ data abroad. This would allow its China-based employees to access US users’ data. The company first denied the news, then admitted to it. This move by ByteDance even made FTC ask Google and Apple to remove TikTok from their app stores. Following the controversies around the company, TikTok’s global chief security officer is leaving his role. TikTok’s head of security risk, vendor, and client assurance, Kim Albarella, will replace Cloutier on an interim basis. However, Cloutier will stay at the company as an adviser on the business impact of TikTok’s security and trust programs.

TikTok’s global chief security officer is stepping down

While Cloutier’s departure seems to be due to the US user data controversy, the TikTok spokesperson has another opinion. According to what a TikTok spokesperson told The Wall Street Journal, Cloutier has not been responsible for overseeing the new team that manages US user data. That team reported directly to the CEO. Also, Cloutier’s decision to leave his role has nothing to do with US lawmakers’ concerns. The spokesperson says this change will be made for a couple of months. CEO Shou Zi Chew has also written a letter to TikTok staff and informed them about Cloutier’s departure. Chew said minimizing concerns about the security of user data in the US has been a part of their evolving approach. “This is an important investment in our data protection practices, and it also changes the scope of the global chief security officer role. With this in mind, Roland has decided to step back from his day-to-day operations as global CSO, effective September 2nd.” Chew added. TikTok is now working with Oracle to store the US users’ data within the country and reduce the US lawmakers’ concerns. The company CEO also wrote a letter to US officials to explain their plans to address the security concerns.