Twitter consumer product leader Kayvon Beykpour is one of those executives who is leaving the company, saying, “Parag asked me to leave after letting me know that he wants to take the team in a different direction.” Beykpour is the co-founder of Periscope. He has been working on Twitter since 2015, after Twitter acquired Periscope. Also, he became the head of consumer products in 2018. Kayvon Beykpour is not the only one leaving the company. Agrawal has reportedly sent an email to employees to let them know Bruce Falck, the general manager of revenue and head of product, is also leaving his role. Agrawal noted that the company is also freezing hiring and pulling back on spending in the email. Of course, Twitter currently has no plans to fire employees. Jay Sullivan, VP of consumer products, is now the head of product and interim head of revenue. Sullivan has previously talked about the possibility of adding 100 million new users to Twitter.

— Kayvon Beykpour (@kayvz) May 12, 2022

Twitter failed to reach its goals, CEO claims

Bloomberg could reach the email text, in which Agrawal cited a failure to reach the audience and revenue goals as the reason behind the changes. “At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, the decision was made to invest aggressively to deliver big growth in audience and revenue, and as a company we did not hit intermediate milestones that enable confidence in these goals.” Agrawal said. Agrawal has shown that he is not afraid of making big changes. He first started by overhauling the Twitter security team and reorganized the executive team within the company. Moreover, making a change in the top management of Twitter can signal the beginning of the Musk era. Elon Musk has previously said that if he succeeds in buying Twitter, the company’s hiring policies will have to change, and some top executives will have to leave. He even depicted the future of Twitter’s hiring policies in his master plan. In the coming months, more Twitter top executives may leave the company.