WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. But the Meta-owned platform has always had some disappointing limitations, particularly in terms of the maximum size of the files that you can send over it. While Telegram allowed users to send files of up to 1.5GB since 2014 (increased to 2GB in 2020), WhatsApp limited you to just 100MB, even today. Thankfully, that’s going to change shortly. The company is matching Telegram by making a huge jump from 100MB to 2GB. This is a much-needed change too, even more in the current times when remote working or learning has become a norm. Teachers can send notes to their students, businesses can send contracts or product catalogs to their clients, creators can send their new creations to their partners, or professionals can send PowerPoint presentations to their co-workers or bosses. There are way too many use cases where this increased file size limit comes in handy.

The latest WhatsApp beta will let you send files up to 2GB in size

According to the ever-so-reliable WhatsApp insiders at WABetaInfo, WhatsApp beta for Android versions,, and support this new ability. If you’re an iPhone user, you’ll need WhatsApp beta for iOS version to be able to send larger files. This ability will also be available on the web and desktop versions of WhatsApp. While the increased size limit is currently only available to WhatsApp beta users in Argentina, they will be able to send files up to 2GB in size to anyone in the world. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be long before this ability reaches every WhatsApp user globally. Well, let’s hope the company does not drop it from the stable build. You can never say for sure when a new feature is being tested limitedly. Nonetheless, you might want to install the latest version of WhatsApp beta for Android to increase your chances of getting this ability early. If you aren’t already enrolled in the beta program, you can enroll here. We will let you know when the ability to send files up to 2GB in size over WhatsApp rolls out publicly. You can click the button below to download the latest version of WhatsApp from the Google Play Store. DOWNLOAD WHATSAPP

WhatsApp Tests Increasing File Size Limit From 100MB To 2GB - 12