The ‘play something on Netflix’ option seems random

It seems like Alexa will pick something at random to help you discover something you didn’t know you liked. This interesting idea appears to center around people stumbling upon movies and series’ they never would have found otherwise. Though there’s no word on this, we can probably expect Alexa to steer more towards movies and shows that are higher rated, and especially shows that are more in the public eye. You’re less likely to watch a recommendation with 1.2 stars.

This feature could benefit from customization

The play something on Netflix option might still be random, but it might benefit from some customization options. For starters, a rating system could be welcome if you’re a parent. If your kids use the play something on Netflix command, there’s the chance that an adult movie could come on. It would also be neat if you could select certain genres to either favor or leave out. If you don’t like romantic comedies, then you most likely don’t want to get Made of Honor popping up on your screen. On the other side of that coin, if you’re really big into action films, you could tailor the results to favor action films. These are just a few additions that could really make this new feature more useful. This shows how digital assistants are really gaining in popularity in our lives. The 4 Series are the lower-end TVs that give you some decent features and lower prices. They’re all 4K TVs and come in 43-inch, 50-inch, and 55-inch sizes. These TVs start at $269.99. The higher-end Omni TVs come with more bells and whistles. They come with more features and start at $359.99. These TV also go up to 75 inches.